
Saturday, December 30, 2017

Hey Y'all!

Hey y'all!! Thanks so much for stopping by! I just wanted to take a minute and introduce myself. I'm Traci, a thirty-something with a passion for all things paper. I'm a pretty new stay at home mom (new to the stay at home part 😉). I have 3 wonderful children. I've been married to my wonderful hubby for almost 12 years now. ❤ And I am incredibly blessed. Everyday God showers His blessings on our lives and I couldn't be more thankful.

So, Old Mill Town Paper, where did that name come from? Well, we live in a beautiful little town in North Carolina that was at one time a lovely mill town. Now, there aren't many working mills left here, but there is still an incredible town full of beauty and rich history. Growing up, "the mill" was a huge part of life for our family, as it was many families in our sweet little neck of the woods. So, it just seemed like a good fit for me. 

On this crafty journey, I hope that I can inspire anyone that reads my stories. I love to make cards. I love any and all things paper. I just love to create. I hope that as the days unfold and I am able to share some of my love of crafting with you, that you will find some inspiration to feed your crafty soul. 

Thanks for visiting today! Hope you'll come back and see me soon!
Have a blessed day!

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